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Friday, October 23, 2009
Cogent Commentaries Counter GIMC
In recent weeks several influential, pro-military writers have published excellent articles countering the multi-million dollar Gays in the Military Campaign (GIMC):
Cal Thomas revealed the social-engineering agenda behind the Navy's effort to put women in the submarine service and to repeal the 1993 Homosexual Ineligibility Law:
TownHall: "Don't Ask, Tell, or Legitimize"
In a cover story for the Edmund Burke Institute's magazine Reflections, Dr. Grace Vuoto described the gay-activist agenda to transform the culture of the military, and showed that polls of current and former servicemembers have indicated strong support for the 1993 Eligibility Law:
Reflections: "The Next Frontier: Gays in the Military"
In this article, retired Army Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis in no uncertain terms dispelled the myth of a "national security" necessity to allow open homosexuality in the military:
Human Events: "Obama's Gay Speech"
Robert Knight discussed the strategy of the Michael D. Palm Center, a gay-ctivist "think tank" at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The Palm two-step plan is to "eliminate opportunities for [the Joint Chiefs of Staff] to resist" the push to impose open homosexuality on the military. Knight joined Bob Maginnis in countering overblown claims about discharges of gays. The proportion of discharges due to homosexuality, compared to personnel losses for all reasons over the period he cites, is even more insignificant, totaling only .37 percent.
Town Hall: "Lifting the Ban Would Do a Rank Disservice"

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