CMR Sitrep |
Monday, October 12, 2009
Unbecoming Conduct of Gay Activist Lt. Daniel Choi
During an appearance on CNN's "AC 360" program with Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, October 6, Army National Guard 1st Lt. Daniel Choi aggressively attacked both Elaine Donnelly and more than 1,000 Flag & General Officers for the Military. Lt. Choi, who is fighting a discharge due to professed homosexual conduct, displayed a side of his personality unlike the sympathetic figure that he has been trying to portray as a former Arabic linguist who graduated from West Point in 2003.
With the help of Anderson Cooper, who conducted the interview as an unabashed advocate of repealing the law, Daniel Choi made a statement that was simply untrue. When Elaine mentioned that more than 1,150 high-ranking officers had personally signed a formal statement in support of the 1993 Eligibility Law, Daniel Choi falsely described the Flags & General Officers for the Military (FGOM) as being "in their seventies and eighties," and living in "senior citizen centers" where Elaine "collected" their signatures.
Choi also claimed that most had not served under the current law, which he misdescribed as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." On the contrary, of the Army generals whose retirement dates are known, a clear majority retired since 1994, when current law went into effect. Some were in leadership roles during the post-9/11 and still-current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. To state the obvious, it takes many years to earn the respect of peers and four-star rank in the military, building on decades of decision-making experience that 20-somethings do not have.
The intemperate attack on former military leaders who had served our country with distinction--51 of them having retired in four-star rank--said more about Daniel Choi than it did about anyone else. Choi's comment was ironic in view of the fact that many of the retired flags and generals are very involved in second careers, running businesses, volunteering time, raising money for military charitable organizations, consulting with the Department of Defense, and traveling frequently.
The Flag & General Officers for the Military are accomplished, highly-respected individuals who know how to get things done. As stated on the website of the Flag & General Officers for the Military, seven generals and admirals serving on the FGOM Steering Committee asked colleagues in all four services to join them in signing the formal Statement to the President and Members of Congress. By March 2009, more than 1,000 had sent their signatures via regular mail, not e-mail. The number has risen to1,152 since then, and all signatures remain on file with CMR, which provided administrative support for the FGOM project. None of these distinguished leaders had anything to gain by stepping up in defense of sound values and priorities for the All-Volunteer Force.
When Army Times asked Daniel Choi why he was still a lieutenant after graduating from West Point in 2003, Choi said the question was not relevant to the interview. (July 13, 2009) The military needs skilled linguists, and CMR always assumes the good faith of anyone who wants to serve in uniform. The fact remains that West Point graduate Daniel Choi, who has now revealed himself to be a homosexual, took the place of someone else who was eligible to serve.
Many people who are patriots and willing to serve are not eligible for reasons such as age, health, personal violations of law, and the like. It makes no sense to recruit, train, and deploy people who are not eligible for military service. This is the problem with Bill Clinton's convoluted "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which has created human interest problems that members of Congress predicted and tried to avoid by rejecting it. Criticism of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," however, does not justify repeal of the 1993 Eligibility Law.