CMR Sitrep |
Thursday, June 11, 2009
State Celebrates Gay Culture
State Department Celebrates Gay Culture...in Baghdad!
This article demonstrates what the increasingly gay-friendly State Department is doing to "celebrate" homosexuality in a war zone.
For One Night, Baghdad Gets a Pink Zone
Should there be similar "pink zone" events at forward operating bases in Iraq, air force bases in Afghanistan, and aircraft carriers at sea? If the 1993 law is repealed, why not? How would that work with the small-unit combat training missions with Iraqi and Afghan Muslims who need to learn how to fight the insurgents and Taliban?
If the presence of gay soldiers creates cultural problems with Muslim soldiers, should the gay soldiers be excused from that duty, or should it be the mission of our military to change the religious and cultural values of Muslims we are trying to train for combat and security missions? Inquiring minds want to know-and Congress has the responsibility to find out

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