CMR Sitrep |
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Gay Activist Groups "Protest Too Much"
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) activists have revealed the next stage of their plan to push repeal of the 1993 law stating that homosexuals are not eligible for military service. They need to act fast-prior to the end of this Congress-since the next election may change everything.
The Washington newspaper Politico, in its daily "Morning Defense" e-mail, reported that the gay-activist Servicemembers United group has formed "'Servicemembers United Action Fund,' give them lobbying muscle to fight for repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell.'" The gay newspaper The Advocate also reported the launch of Outserve, "[a]n organization representing gay and lesbian active duty military personnel...formed to help the Pentagon as the military eases into its proposed policy change."
Since the "outed" servicemembers still are not using their own names, this appears to be a Nixon-Watergate-style "modified, limited hang-out" strategy. The Outserve group's press release includes interesting comments about public displays of affection ("PDAs"), confirming in denial what LGBT activists demand: Whatever is appropriate for opposite-sex couples should be acceptable for same-sex couples, with a military mandate of acceptance. Don't care for or accept PDAs (same-sex dancing, etc.) at military-sponsored social events? If Congress repeals the law, too bad. The new military policy of "zero-tolerance" of "unacceptable attitudes" will say, post-repeal, "What you think doesn’t matter. Get with the LGBT program, or find the door."
As for equal standards of conduct, former Army Lt. Daniel Choi and Air Force Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach have demonstrated how the concept would work in defining discipline down. Choi demanded and got special treatment right from the start. He announced his homosexuality during a March 2009 MSNBC interview on the "Rachel Maddow Show," thereby declaring himself ineligible for the military under the law on national television. The military began discharge proceedings, which took far longer than usual or necessary, no doubt due to his self-generated publicity. During the extended interval between his "self-outing" on MSNBC and his ultimate discharge, Choi was arrested twice for handcuffing himself to the White House gate.
Choi should have been discharged in a normal amount of time, and held accountable for his antics at the White House gate while in uniform. The fact that he was not held accountable (all charges were dismissed) indicates that gay servicemembers will be treated as more "equal" than others. As for Fehrenbach, another LGBT hero, his solicitation of a male sex partner on a gay website justified disciplinary action long ago. (As CMR President Elaine Donnelly explained in Human Events, consider similar conduct on the part of a heterosexual male officer.)
Neither Choi nor Fehrenbach were eligible to serve in the military, but their conduct has been given an unusually wide berth, probably due to the Obama Administration's unfailing, politically-motivated support for the president's LGBT base.
The announcement that LGBT advocacy groups are stepping up their lobbying and public relations efforts calls to mind the aphorism, "Thou doth protest too much." The Outserve press release claims "it will be business as usual" after repeal. The fact that this group is being established with the express purpose of saying so betrays its ultimate goal, which is military-mandated acceptance of open LGBT lifestyles and their attendant conduct.
This strategy represents nothing less than the fundamental transformation of the military’s culture. The Pentagon's actions (and inaction) speak louder than the activists' words. Already we are seeing signs of inconsistent practices that deserve a new acronym: "DSIG" for "double standards involving gays." Given the current president's open support for the homosexual agenda and his 2008 campaign-trail talk of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America," no one should be fooled by gay-activist PR promising "business as usual."