CMR Sitrep |
Friday, June 11, 2010
Veterans Groups and Others Oppose "Repeal Deal"
The following respected veterans groups have taken a stand against the "Repeal Deal" to allow open homosexuality in the military by repealing the current law making homosexuals ineligible. The organizations below sent letters to congressional leaders opposing hasty action to repeal the current law:
American Legion: May 19, 2010 - "The military is a unique environment, in which DADT has worked well without diminishing our nation's war-fighting capability. Indeed, the core purpose of our military is to fight and win our nation's wars. Enacting any law that does not enhance the military's ability to accomplish that mission would be detrimental to the security of our nation. We believe that the repeal of DADT would be such an action." Veterans of Foreign Wars: May 25, 2010 - "The military is about the 'whole,' not the individual, and the rules and regulations are there for the good order and discipline of all service members… The VFW is fully aware that this issue is all about fulfilling a campaign promise, just as it was in 1993. While we oppose any change to the current DADT policy, as well as to P.L. 103-10, we do urge you and your colleagues to wait until the DoD working group finishes its 10-month review."
At their 110th Convention last fall, the VFW also passed an unequivocal resolution:
Resolution No. 426
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, that we strongly oppose all efforts to repeal Public Law 103-160 (Section 654, U.S. Code Title 10), which bans homosexuals from serving in the U.S. Armed Forces; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge the Department of Defense to review the current, "don't ask, don't tell" policy and replace it with a policy more consistent with the intent of Public Law 103-160.
Association of the U.S. Navy: May 20, 2010 - "We ask that the Secretary of Defense comprehensive review board be allowed to complete their extensive review prior to any legislative action on this matter."
Air Force Association: May 21, 2010 - "Those who serve must be our key constituency, and our efforts must ultimately be to ensure they are ready and able to discharge their responsibilities. Thus, we believe it would be unwise to change such an important policy without having heard from those it will affect. AFA strongly believes their views and values must factor into any legislative changes, as they will drastically alter the identity of our military on all levels of the spectrum."
National Association of Uniformed Services May 24, 2010 - "NAUS is proud of our troops and we respect their mission at home and overseas. There are serious questions on whether change in this law will improve military readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline, and we strongly suggest you wait until the Pentagon has reviewed the consequences of repealing the laws presently in force."
Reserve Officers Association: May 21, 2010 – "The Reserve Officers Association, representing 63,000 Reserve Component members, does not support such hasty action. This issue is very polarizing, and can cause internal strife within our military at a time we are fighting in two theaters of a war."
National Military Family Association: May 21, 2010 - "NMFA does not have a formal position on the law itself, but sent a letter to Minority Leader John Boehner on May 21. Excerpt: "Our Association agrees with Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen that the Department of Defense must be allowed, prior to any legislative action, the opportunity to complete the assessment of the impact of such a policy change, and most importantly develop an attentive comprehensive implementation plan. Our service members and their families deserve no less."
Army Reserve Association (ARA): (website article endorsing the statement of HASC Chairman Ike Skelton) "My position on this issue has been clear – I support the current policy and I will oppose any amendment to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. I hope my colleagues will avoid jumping the gun and wait for DOD to complete its work."
Commentaries of Note:
Rep. Duncan Hunter, USA Today: Historic Votes Don't Assure End to DADT
John R. Guardiano: The Left Silences the Right-Wing Lambs on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Robert Knight: Conservative Media Fiddles While Military Burns
Frank Gaffney: Repealing DADT Would Break the All-Volunteer Force
William Buchanan: Gays in the Military
CMR Executive Director Tommy Sears on NRO: What’s the Deal?
John McCormack, Weekly Standard: Obama Admin: Repeal DADT Now, Ask Questions Later
R. L. Bernard, American Thinker: Nonsexual Zones of Trust and Military Policy
In addition, a number of retired officers who signed the Flag & General Officers for the Military statement in 2009 have been writing individual letters giving reasons why they signed the statement and still support the 1993 law. Retired Army General Frederick Kroesen went the extra mile in writing an op-ed for the Washington Times:
Kroesen: Risky Moves in the Military